Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

Makanan khas Bengkulu

Pendap is one of the typical foods that are known most people in each district in the province of Bengkulu, let alone the kind of food is never a theme of one of the songs that were released in the album song Bengkulu area around the 1990s.

According to entrepreneurs in the Village Market pendap Bengkulu, Fatmawati cited in Kompasiana.com, pendap made of spices diverse, such as garlic, kencur, and minced chili.

Then, the ingredients are mixed evenly with grated coconut. Seasoning mix with grated young coconut subsequently wrapped
taro leaves, put a piece of fish, then boiled for 8 hours.

With a blend of spices and ingredients are finally pendap have spicy and savory flavor, so it is fitting to eat rice side dish that can increase a person's appetite.

 2.Gulai Kemba'ang
Traditional cuisine typical of the area of Bengkulu other kemba'ang goulash. Only this dish known to the public in the area of Mukomuko, because many versions say that kemba'ang curry comes from that area. Kemba'ang goulash is made from beef ribs and a concoction of some kinds of spices and has a savory taste.

Quoted from Daily Newspapers North Radar, Sekdes Medan Jaya District of Ipuh Mukomuko, goulash kemba'ang Rasidin said this is one of the typical regional cuisine. Kemba'ang goulash is one of the specials menu which is often made in the month of fasting or Eid.
The dishes were very suitable to eat after iftar or dawn and can arouse appetite eat.


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